

The demand for enhancing the value and quality of legal services in Indonesia to impeccable standards has been the guiding force in founding the Siregar & Djojonegoro law firm in Indonesia. We believe that legal services should be conducted with absolute perfection throughout. This can only be done through the thorough understanding of the legal aspects together with the perfect knowledge of the commercial and business environment and practices also the client's background and concerns.

Siregar & Djojonegoro endeavors to consistently produce high level legal analysis that is formulated in its perfect legal drafting and legal advice. The experience, track record and personality of the founders enables Siregar & Djojonegoro to provide high quality communications to its clients, proven negotiating skills and the ability to interpret the client's concern to achieve smooth transaction processes in accordance with the established goals. Furthermore Siregar & Djojonegoro also registered as capital market law firm in Indonesian Financial Authority Services (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).

The Indonesian Law Awards 2016 as arranged by Asian Legal Business (ALB) nominated Siregar & Djojonegoro as the top 4 finalists of Banking & Financial Services Lawfirm of the Year, top 6 finalists of Project, Energy & Infrastructure Lawfirm of the Year and top 5 finalist of Boutique Lawfirm of the Year competing with the large, prominent and long established lawfirms in Indonesia. Zippora Siregar, the managing partner of Siregar & Djojonegoro, was also nominated as the top 6 finalists of Woman Lawyer of the Year competing with the other prominent women lawyers in Indonesia.

Members of Siregar & Djojonegoro has extensive and successful experience in assisting corporate CEOs and Board Members as well as its Stakeholders in analyzing legal issues and contributing to important corporate decision making while also providing advice on the good governance aspects.

Finally Siregar & Djojonegoro assures a quick and positive response, close constructive relationship with clients and full involvement of the partners in handling the case.